Carl-Harry Stålhane
Carl Harry Stålhane (1920-1990), Carl Harry Ingemar Stålhane was born in Mariestad, Sweden on December 15, 1920, educated at the Isac Grünewald Painting School from 1943-46, then at the Collarossi Academy in Paris from 1947-48. He came to Rörstrand in 1939, aged just 19, and became one of the factory’s leading artists. At the age of 30, he became a master at Stengods and took over as lead artist after Gunnar Nylund. Stålhane made all kinds of goods, from the unique ones he drew himself to the products of the studio he was famous for. He also designed countless dinner sets and drew many decorations. Stålhane remained loyal to Rörstrand for more than 30 years, the last two years also as a design manager at Uppsala Ekeby. He also worked as a teacher at the School of Art and Design in Gothenburg from 1963-71. In 1973 he left Rörstrand and started his own company – Designhuset in Lidköping. Stålhane has done a number of public works including Stoneware Relief for Commerce Trust Co. in Kansas City, USA and Volvo in Gothenburg. His art is represented in the National Museum in Stockholm, the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York and others. He died in Lidköping on April 11, 1990. The products were signed with “CHS”, the unique one with the full name “CH Stålhane”.